About Us

Teccluster A/S was founded in 2003 and is a supplier of 3D technology from leading market manufacturers to the Scandinavian market. We provide everything in terms of 3D equipment from 3D printers, scanners and 3D software to machine material.
Our modern facility in Kolding includes more than 2,000 m² of advanced machinery, including 5-axis milling machines and 3D technology.
Company of the year 2014 and ey nominee 2015
We are further supplier of customised engineering solutions, and we practically conduct all kinds of tasks from rapid prototyping, high-precision machining, reverse engineering to development and design of scale models and manufacturing tools.
We have participated in numerous interesting and large-scale projects, for instance supplying parts for a space probe and developing a revolutionary 3D wound scanner. Our efforts have been awarded several times over the years, for instance as elected Company of the Year 2014 and as nominee for IT-Forum’s EY Special Award.
Due to our long-term experience within 3D technology, we are able to quickly select the right technology, meeting your exact needs or those of your company. Contact us for more information.

Teccluster has developed equipment and structures for various destinations. In 2008, we developed components for Mars.
Nominee for IT-Forum’s EY Award 2015
IT-Forum nominated Teccluster for the special award for companies, acknowledging us as “Star of the Future”.
Company of the Year 2014
The award is annually issued on behalf of Business Kolding to a company for extraordinary contributions to the industry.
Initiative Award 2014
The Initiative Award by DI Trekantområdet is presented during DI's national conference for SMV's. In 2014, Teccluster received the award.
The Gazelle Award 5th time in a row
Teccluster received Børsen’s Gazelle Award in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and also in 2015.
Nominated for EER 2013
In 2013, Teccluster was nominated for being part of “Europæiske Iværksætter Region”.